
Academic Department Introduction

历史系的课程几乎涵盖了人类过去的每个地区和时代. 学生们学会以广泛的人文主义方式思考诸如政府之类的问题, war, culture, race, and economics. In gaining historical knowledge, 学生将社会发展和矛盾理解为具有根深蒂固根源的长期过程的一部分. Our faculty study and teach a wide range of subjects. 将我们的工作结合在一起的是一个严格的共享方法. We closely analyze primary sources, engage in dialogue with existing scholarship, 并在各种媒体上分享我们的发现和想法, including scholarly journals, academic conference papers, public lectures, and podcasts.

Learning goals

  • Understand the process of change over time.
  • 展示对一系列文化和时间顺序的历史的熟悉程度.
  • 获得有关选定地区或跨越不同文化和时代的问题的专业知识.

Programs of study

History major and minor


International relations – history major

这个跨学科的领域研究过去和现在的全球互动. 在外交政策等领域的学习中,学生们会接触到广泛的观点和方法, war, security, international political economy, development, and human rights.

Course highlights

  • 调查了美国历史上最不可能发生的事件之一:美国独立战争的起源和后果. 是什么促使殖民者突然反抗英国? 以及战后的社会斗争? 我们将探索普通美国人的经历, including women and slaves; examine the material culture of Revolutionary America; trace the intellectual histories of the founders; and witness the creation of a national identity and constitution. Those who lived through the rebellion left behind plenty of material: letters; pamphlets; teapots; runaway slave advertisements; diaries. We will consider these and more. 参观波士顿历史遗迹将带你穿越时空,回到被围困的年代, volatile city that led the colonies into war.
  • 没有哪一段历史能反映"拉丁美洲"国家发展医疗和公共卫生国家基础设施的多种路径. 19世纪拉丁美洲新的公共卫生项目改变了皇冠体育民族文化的争论, the state, and the role of the environment, 种族和疾病在实现现代化和进步中的作用. Among others, this course examines: the professionalization of medical practices; how foreign immigration and internal migration shaped health-related institutions and understandings of disease, race and modernity; the role of local innovative research in parasitology, herpetology, and tropical disorders in countering assumptions about racial and cultural inferiority; how a foreign funding institution (i.e. Rockefeller Foundation) and U.S. health officials facilitated U.S. intervention; how Cuba’s national health system today exports scientists, doctors, and epidemiologists to a world in crisis.

Research highlights

  • Guy M. Rogers sits and reads a book.

    Professor Guy M. Rogers’ book 为了锡安的自由:犹太人反抗罗马人的大起义,公元66-74年 (耶鲁大学出版社,2022)被评选为2022年度杰出学术称号.

  • Valerie Ramseyer shows a student a book of maps.

    瓦莱丽·拉姆塞耶教授为这本即将出版的书贡献了一章 Brill Companion to the Beneventan Zone. 这一章考察了中世纪意大利南部/西西里岛作为一个流动的地方, diversity, and international connections, 并考虑了一些在意大利历史研究中被视为边缘的群体,比如穆斯林, Jews, Africans, 和斯拉夫人——作为该地区历史发展的中心.

  • Nikhil Rao坐在办公桌前,若隐若现地看着镜头外.

    In 2023, Professor Nikhil Rao was on sabbatical in Mumbai, India, 作为美国印第安研究所的高级研究员. He was researching his new book project, 它关注的是独立后孟买的合作住房企业,以及这种企业对财产和城市公民观念的影响.

Beyond Wellesley

Beyond Wellesley

历史的研究为广泛的职业生涯提供了很好的准备. 我们的许多毕业生在新闻、出版、法律、商业、金融和教育领域工作.

For more

Published annually, 我们的部门通讯介绍了最近或即将到来的课程, 学生暑期实习经历的第一手资料, interviews with faculty and alums, and more.

Our newsletter

Published each May, 历史系的年度通讯介绍了过去一年的新课程, department events, and news about faculty, students, and alumnae.

Department of History

Founders Hall
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Nikhil Rao, Lidwien Kapteijns
Department Co-Chairs
Sharon Zimmer
Academic Administrator