

教育是一个跨学科的领域, 政治, 以及研究学校的社会文化方法. Students can examine teaching and 学习 in classrooms while also exploring broader societal issues reflected in 学校 such as the impact of 比赛 and culture on 学生’ 教育al experiences, the consequences of high-stakes testing on student mental health, 以及支持多语言学习者的项目. Our holistic and practical approach connects research, theory, and practice. We encourage 学生 to blend classwork with hands-on experience in local 学校 and communities.

Students can declare a major in 教育 studies or they may opt to declare one of our two minors: 教育 studies or teaching and 学习 studies. 通过韦尔斯利教师学者项目, 学生 can also attain Massachusetts teacher licensure in 二次 学校, 哪个州可以转让给其他州. 无论是在K-12学校工作, 高等教育, 儿童出版, 人工智能的创新, 或者教育政策, 我们的毕业生运用他们对教育研究的理解, 政策, 并实践到广泛的专业追求.


  • Explore the various 教育al settings where teaching and 学习 occurs.

  • Examine the purposes and goals of schooling and the ways in which 教育al institutions have been shaped by the larger society.

  • 学习如何上课, 比赛, 移民, and the evolution of communities have influenced 教育al policies and practices.

  • 在学校教室和其他社区应用学习, where 教育al problems and change efforts can be observed in their full contexts.



学生在理论之间建立联系, 政策, 并通过教育研究专业进行实践, 跨学科的教育探索, 学校, 和社会.


The 教育 studies minor allows 学生 to explore the connections between 教育, 学校, 和社会. The teaching and 学习 studies minor allows 学生 an opportunity to learn about the multidimensional aspects of teaching, 学习, 以及课堂上的创新.


Students attain Massachusetts state teacher licensure in 二次 教育 and are qualified to teach full-time upon graduation. 许可证可在所有50个州转让.


  • Professor 秀在香港 sits and speaks with a student in a classroom.

    洪秀教授和助理研究员海丽W. 21岁的沃伦,莫娜·H. 21年的俾路支和凯瑟琳·H. Conklin ' 22合著 “Teacher-Family Solidarity as Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Practice” (城市教育, 10月. 2022). The paper examined equitable family-school partnerships in urban 学校. The authors argue that the concept of “family engagement” should be recast as teacher-family solidarity and become an indispensable part of culturally sustaining pedagogy and practice.

  • 琳达Charmaraman和其他三位小组成员在一次活动中发言. 琳达拿着麦克风,在这个图像中说话.

    讲师琳达Charmaraman是the 青年、媒体、 & 健康研究实验室 at the 韦尔斯利 Centers for Women, where she is also a senior research scientist. 这个实验室的一个主要目标是 让本科生参与研究过程. Students make significant contributions to social and behavioral research and present work at campus-based, 区域, 以及全国性的会议, thanks to funding from the National Institutes of 健康 and 皇冠体育 internship program.

  • Pamela D’Andrea Martínez sits at a table in front of a bookshelf and speaks to 学生. She is sitting in front of a laptop, wearing an orange blazer and green glasses.

    Professor Pamela D’Andrea Martínez recently led the publication of an article, “Becoming Culturally Responsive: Equitable and Inequitable Translations of CRE Theory into Teaching Practice” (都市评论, May 2023), based on research conducted at seven New York City 学校. The article questions what it means to implement culturally responsive 教育 and urges 学校 and educators to meaningfully grapple with the issues of power they seek to address by engaging anti-racist pedagogies.


  • 实习

    通过与组织合作, such as the NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, we have created summer internships that focus on 教育al 政策 and practice. The Ravitch Public 教育 实习 enable 学生 to work in 教育al research and 政策 with the Boston Public Schools’ Office of the Superintendent.

  • 以社区为基础的学习

    Students have numerous opportunities to apply what they learn in local 学校, 社区机构, 还有青少年项目. In the seminar EDUC 335: Urban 教育 and Emancipatory Research, 学生 complement their on-campus 学习 with field experiences in Boston and Cambridge classrooms and youth agencies, enacting action-based research projects with community partners. Numerous 教育 courses incorporate experiences in 学校 and classrooms or invite local teachers, 学生, 和社区成员在我们的课堂上分享他们的经验.

  • 城市学校的沉浸式体验

    在Wintersession, we offer interested 学生 the opportunity to gain classroom experiences in urban 学校. 通过为期两周的冬季学习团契, 学生可以沉浸在波士顿的课堂全日制, 与经验丰富的老师一起学习

  • 高级研讨会

    教育专业s in their senior year can take an advanced research methods seminar in which they work on independent research projects and engage with a supportive, 合作研究团体. 在年底, they present their research in a senior symposium that is open to the 韦尔斯利 community.

  • 研究奖学金

    Students have numerous opportunities to work with faculty on research projects during the academic year.



我们的许多毕业生在K-12教育部门工作. They also work in 高等教育, nonprofits, publishing, and software/internet industries. 他们是老师, 教授, 管理员, 研究人员, 以及致力于教育改革的政策制定者. 最近的雇主包括波士顿公立学校, 纽约市立博物馆, 烛芯的新闻, 哈佛教育研究生院, and the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of 教育.

